
Goal: Ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all at all ages

Target: By 2030, reduce by one third premature mortality from non-communicable diseases through prevention and treatment and promote mental health and well-being

Indicator: Mortality rate attributed to cardiovascular disease, cancer, diabetes or chronic respiratory disease

Concepts or definitions: Probability of dying between the ages of 30 and 70 years from cardiovascular diseases, cancer, diabetes or chronic respiratory diseases, defined as the per cent of 30-year-old-people who would die before their 70th birthday from cardiovascular disease, cancer, diabetes, or chronic respiratory disease, assuming that the person would experience current mortality rates at every age and would not die from any other cause of death (e.g., injuries or HIV/AIDS). This indicator is calculated using life table methods. The life table demonstrates the mortality experience of a hypothetical group of infants born at the same time and subject throughout their lifetime to a set of age-specific mortality rates

Formula: There are three steps involved in the calculation of this indicator. The first one is the age-specific mortality rate computed as the number of total deaths from four non-communicable diseases causes between exact age x and exact age x+5 divided by the total population between exact age x and exact age x+5. The second one is the probability of death of each 5-year range calculated as the age-specific mortality rate multiplied by five (5) and divided by one (1) plus the multiplication of the age-specific rate by two point five (2.5). The last step is the probability of death from age 30 to 70. This is calculated by subtracting one (1) minus the multiplication of one (1) minus the probabilities of death of each 5-year age ranges from 30 to 70 which is then multiplied by a hundred.

Measure Unit: Percentage

Reach: National

Initial period of historical sequence: 2016

Last period of historical sequence: 2017

Institution: Puerto Rico Institute of Statistics

Contact: Ana Jara Castro, Statistical Projects Manager

Source: Birth Records 2016-2017. Puerto Rico Vital Statistis Record Office, Health Department.

References: SDG Indicators: Metadata repository
