Goal: Achieve gender equality and empower all women and girls
Target: Enhance the use of enabling technology, in particular information and communications technology, to promote the empowerment of women
Indicator: Proportion of individuals who own a mobile telephone.
Concepts or definitions: An individual owns a mobile cellular phone if he/she has a mobile cellular phone device with at least one active SIM card for personal use. Mobile cellular phones supplied by employers that can be used for personal reasons (to make personal calls, access the Internet, etc.) are included. Individuals who have only active SIM card(s) and not a mobile phone device are excluded. Individuals who have a mobile phone for personal use that is not registered under his/her name are also included. An active SIM card is a SIM card that has been used in the last three months. A mobile (cellular) telephone refers to a portable telephone subscribing to a public mobile telephone service using cellular technology, which provides access to the PSTN. This includes analogue and digital Last updated: 19 July 2016 cellular systems and technologies such as IMT-2000 (3G) and IMT-Advanced. Users of both postpaid subscriptions and prepaid accounts are included.
Formula: The proportion of individuals who own a mobile telephone is calculated using the total number of in-scope individuals who own a mobile phone divided by the total number of in-scope individuals.
Measure Unit: Proportion
Reach: National
Initial period of historical sequence: 2016
Last period of historical sequence: 2017
Institution: Puerto Rico Institute of Statistics
Contact: Ana Jara Castro, Statistical Projects Manager
References: SDG Indicators: Metadata repository